
Marry'd in haste, we oft repent at leisure.


The Dreaded Mangal-dosha
(The Kuja-dosha or Bhauma-Dosha)

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The "Mangal Dosha" or "Kuja-dosha" 

Manglik dosha or Mangal (Kuja) dosha is much talked about topic in Indian society and manglik dosha analysis is the integral part of the horoscope matching process before marriage. Manglik dosh causes delays and hurdles in marriage. 

This dosha occurs when the placement of Mars and/or other malefic planets in the horoscope are in certain houses that causes malefic influences. People, in whose natal chart Mars and/or other malefic planets  are placed inauspiciously, are called "Mangliks".  Remedies for Mangalik dosh and Mars can help solve these problems of marriage. 

Checking the "Mangal/ Kuja-dosha" in a birth-chart is perhaps one of the most misunderstood area while measuring the marital compatibility. One astrologer may find a chart having severe "Mangal-dosha" while another astrologer may declare the same chart clear of any "Mangal-dosha". A lay man, having no knowledge of Vedic astrology, finds himself in a dilemma - as to whom he should believe.

Here, you will find "Mangal/Kuja-dosha" related articles, views, remedial measures and available products.

What is Mangal-dosha ("Kuj-dosha" or "Bhauma Dosha")?  (A very illustrative article in Hindi)
Late Dr. B.V. Raman, world-renowned astrologer, author of more than 100 books on Vedic astrology and former editor of the famous "The Astrological Magazine", presented an unique formula to measure the exact intensity of "Mangal-dosha", on a scale of 100 points for each of the concerned malefic planets causing the dosha, in his books "Jaatak-Nirnay" and "How to judge a horoscope (vol. II)". Through this formula, maximum "Mangal-dosha" in a chart may reach up to 337.50 points.
Get checked - Are you 'Mangali'?
This report is based on Dr. B.V. Raman's formula. It calculates exact intensity of "Mangal-dosha"/ "Kuja-dosha" in pure numerical terms in native's Rasi-chart (Lagna kundli) and presents the detailed result in tabular form. 
Mangal-dosha intensity comparison between two charts
The report is based on Dr. B.V. Raman's formula. It calculates "exact intensity" of "Mangal-dosha"/ "Kuja-dosha" in pure numerical terms in Rasi-charts (Lagna kundli) of both the persons and presents the detailed results in tabular form. Lesser the difference in net intensity of doshas in two charts, better it is.

Mangal dosha Case Studies
We have some horoscopes of known persons, which have severe Mangal dosha in their birth-charts. Incidents in the life of these persons are very well known to us. We have analyzed these case-studies as a research.